Nana Gallery Nana Albariño, Monovarietals, More than 6 months on lees, Single vineyard, The more complex, White Wines, With barrel NanaAdministrador ATTIS2023-05-29T13:14:13+02:00
Sitta Ancestros Gallery Sitta Ancestros Albariño, Monovarietals, More than 6 months on lees, Single vineyard, Sitta, The more complex, White Wines, With barrel Sitta AncestrosAdministrador ATTIS2024-07-19T08:43:44+02:00
Attis Atalante Gallery Attis Atalante Attis, Monovarietals, More than 6 months on lees, Other white varieties, White Wines, With barrel Attis AtalanteAdministrador ATTIS2023-05-29T14:42:01+02:00
Attis Coribante Gallery Attis Coribante Attis, Coupage, More than 6 months on lees, Other white varieties, White Wines, With barrel Attis CoribanteAdministrador ATTIS2023-05-29T14:47:47+02:00
Xión Cuvée Tinto Gallery Xión Cuvée Tinto Coupage, Red, The freshest, With barrel Xión Cuvée TintoAdministrador ATTIS2024-03-06T13:12:32+01:00
Attis Brancellao Gallery Attis Brancellao Attis, Monovarietals, Red, With barrel Attis BrancellaoAdministrador ATTIS2024-06-14T10:03:17+02:00
Attis Pedral Gallery Attis Pedral Attis, Monovarietals, Red, With barrel Attis PedralAdministrador ATTIS2024-06-14T10:02:26+02:00
Attis Caiño Gallery Attis Caiño Attis, Monovarietals, Red, With barrel Attis CaiñoAdministrador ATTIS2024-06-14T10:06:33+02:00
Attis Espadeiro Gallery Attis Espadeiro Attis, Monovarietals, Red, With barrel Attis EspadeiroAdministrador ATTIS2024-06-14T10:08:04+02:00
Attis Souson Gallery Attis Souson Attis, Monovarietals, Red, With barrel Attis SousonAdministrador ATTIS2024-06-14T10:10:28+02:00
Sitta Molinero Gallery Sitta Molinero Coupage, Red, Single vineyard, Sitta, The more complex, With barrel Sitta MolineroAdministrador ATTIS2024-06-14T10:12:28+02:00
Estereo Gallery Estereo Coupage, Red, With barrel EstereoAdministrador ATTIS2023-05-30T13:52:34+02:00
Sitta Dulce Nana Gallery Sitta Dulce Nana Albariño, Sitta, Sweet, White Wines, With barrel Sitta Dulce NanaAdministrador ATTIS2024-07-19T09:11:56+02:00